Page 44 - Union Budget_2019
P. 44

Union Budget 2019

           10.3 Measures for resolution of distressed companies

           The existing provisions of Section 79 provides a condition that in case of private limited companies, carry

           forward and set off of losses shall be allowed only when the change in shareholding i.e. shareholding on the
           last day of the year of loss and shareholding on last day of the year of set-off, doesn’t exceed 49% of voting


           However, 3 proviso to Section 79 states that this condition shall not be applicable to a company where any
           change in shareholding takes place in a previous year pursuant to a resolution plan approved under the
           Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (IBC) after providing the jurisdictional Principal Commissioner or
           Commissioner a reasonable opportunity of being heard. Thus, even if there is a change in ownership or

           voting power, the losses incurred in previous years shall be allowed to be carry forward and set off.

           With a view to extend the above mentioned benefit, it is proposed to include the companies, their subsidiary

           and subsidiary of subsidiary, where the National Company Law Tribunal ("NCLT") on a petition by Central
           Government under Section 241 of Companies Act 2013 has suspended board of directors and appointed

           new directors and a change in shareholding has taken place in the year pursuant to a resolution plan
           approved by NCLT after providing reasonable opportunity of being heard to the jurisdictional Principal
           Commissioner or Commissioner.

           For the purpose of clarification,

              •  a company shall be a subsidiary of another company, if such other company holds more than half in

                  the nominal value of equity share capital of the company
              •  “loss” shall not include depreciation;

           Further, it is also proposed that the aggregate amount of unabsorbed depreciation and brought forward
           loss  (excluding  depreciation)  shall  be  allowed  to  reduce  in  cases  of  the  above-mentioned  distressed
           companies, under Section 115JB for calculating book profit for levy of Minimum Alternate Tax ("MAT").

           This  amendment  will  take  effect  from  1st  April,  2020  and  will,  accordingly,  apply  in  relation  to  the
           assessment year 2020-21 and subsequent assessment years.

           Companies getting into NCLT would generally be loss-making and by virtue of section 79, the losses

           were not allowed to be carry forward. This benefit allows the loss to be carried forward and set off,
           even if there is a change in shareholding of such companies, thereby acting as a relief to distressed
           companies.  The proposal further intends to provide relief to the downstream subsidiaries  of such


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