Page 32 - Union Budget_2019
P. 32

Union Budget 2019
                                       2000  Sq.  metres,  where  the  2000 Sq. metres, where the project
                                       project is located in  any  other  is located in any other place;


            Carpet area of residential  Not exceeding 30  Sq.  metres,  Not exceeding 60 Sq. metres, where
            unit in the housing project   where the project is located  such project is located  within the

                                       within the cities of              metropolitan cities of
                                          •  Chennai,                        •  Bengaluru,

                                          •  Delhi,                          •  Chennai,
                                          •  Kolkata or                      •  Delhi    National   Capital

                                          •  Mumbai                             Region (limited to Delhi,
                                                                                Noida,    Greater    Noida,

                                                                                Ghaziabad,       Gurugram,
                                                                             •  Hyderabad,

                                                                             •  Kolkata and

                                                                             •  Mumbai (whole of Mumbai
                                                                                Metropolitan Region);
                                       60 Sq. metres, where the project is  90 Sq. metres, where such project is

                                       located in any other place        located in any other place

            Utilisation of project     90% or more of the floor area ratio  90% or more of the floor area ratio

                                       permissible in respect of the plot  permissible in respect of the plot of
                                       of land under the rules to be made  land under the rules to be made by

                                       by                                    •  the Central Government or
                                          •  the Central Government or       •  the State Government or

                                          •  the State Government or         •  the local authority, as the
                                          •  the local authority, as the        case may be,

                                              case may be,
                                       where the project is located
                                                                         where such project is located within
                                       within the cities of
                                                                         the metropolitan cities of
                                          •  Chennai,
                                                                             •  Bengaluru,
                                          •  Delhi,
                                          •  Kolkata or                      •  Chennai,
                                                                             •  Delhi    National   Capital
                                          •  Mumbai
                                                                                Region (limited to Delhi,

                                                                                Noida,    Greater    Noida,

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