Page 50 - Union Budget_2019
P. 50

Union Budget 2019

           10.12 Consequence of not linking PAN with Aadhaar

           Proviso to Section 139AA (2) stated that PAN of the assessee shall be deemed to invalid if it is not

           linked with Aadhaar within the prescribed date.
           It is proposed to amend the said provision to provide that if a person fails to link PAN with Aadhaar,

           the PAN allotted to such person shall be made inoperative in the prescribed manner

           This amendment will take effect from 1st September, 2019
           This will protect the validity of transactions previously carried out through PAN, before making it

           10.13 Widening the scope of Statement of Financial Transactions (SFT)

           Existing provisions of Section 285BA, provides for furnishing of SFT or reportable account by a specified

           person where the value transactions exceed fifty thousand in aggregate. In order to widen the scope, it is
           proposed  to  mandate  the  filing  of  SFT  for  persons,  other  than  persons  already  specified,  as  may  be


           Further, the provisions of Section 285BA shall be applicable if the aggregate value of specified transactions

           during a financial year is Rs. 50,000 or more. It is proposed to remove this threshold of Rs. 50,000 to even
           cover the small transactions.

           Currently, if a statement is considered defective by the authority and the same is not rectified within the
           prescribed limit, such statement shall be treated as invalid and provisions of the Act shall apply as if such

           person has failed to furnish the statement. It is proposed to amend the said provision to provide that in case
           the statement is not rectified with the given time limit, it shall be considered as if such person has furnished
           inaccurate information in the statement.

           Consequential amendments are proposed to be made in Section 271FAA to widen the scope of penalty to

           all reporting entities under proposed Section 285BA supra and ensure the correctness of information in

           These amendments will take effect from 1st day of September, 2019.

           Government has set its goal to enable pre-filling of income-tax returns to ease the entire process of
           return filing and reduce the consumption of time. The proposed amendments shall expand the number
           of people of filing SFT so that adequate and correct information is gathered.

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