Page 17 - Union Budget, 2022
P. 17

Union Budget, 2022

                                  Ensuring Tax Levy and Reporting of Income

                                              Taxation of Virtual Digital Assets
                          •   New Sec 115BBH is proposed to be introduced to bring into taxation, net income arising from transfer
                              of any virtual digital asset at 30%, without deduction of any expenditure or allowance, except cost of
                              acquisition without indexation. Further, set-off and carry forward of losses against the same income or
                              any other income is not permissible.
                          •   New  Clause 47A  proposed to  be  inserted in Sec 2 defines “Virtual digital asset”, to be any digitally
                              represented information or code or number or token generated through cryptography or “any means”.
                              Any Indian or foreign currency is specifically excluded. Further, Non-fungible Tokens (NFTs) and any
                              other digital assets might be taxed or exempted subject to specification by the CG.
                          •   Further, Sec 56(2)(x) is also proposed to be amended so as to tax, FMV of any virtual digital asset received
                              without or for inadequate consideration (whose FMV exceeds Rs.50,000).
                          AY 2023-24 and subsequent AYs

                          •   The long-term ambiguity which hovered around the tax framework of cryptocurrency has now been
                             addressed, bringing into taxation the returns earned by around 1.7 million Indians trading in digital assets

                             and strongly  communicating  that India joins few other  countries  in  its distinct discomfort towards
                          •   Since the definition excludes foreign currency, investment in any cryptocurrency recognised by any foreign
                             country as a legal tender (such as El Salvador) will not be brought into the purview of the proposed
                          •   As the definition of virtual digital asset is wide, there remains an ambiguity whether reward points on
                             cards, air miles by flight companies, etc. would come under the purview or not.
                          •   Further, the mode of taxation on transfer of virtual digital assets and receipt without/ for inadequate
                             consideration of virtual digital assets before 01.04.2022 is not clarified. In this scenario, tax on income
                             from transfer of digital assets, receipt of digital assets without consideration, before 01.04.2022, shall be
                             computed based on the existing provisions of the Act. In other words, whether income from transfer
                             before 01.04.2022 be taxed as “Capital gains” or “Profits or Gains from Business or Profession” shall be
                             dependent on the facts of the case, which shall be prone to litigations.

                                      Annual real growth in demand side of GDP and its components (per cent)


                                      •   Latest advance estimates suggest full recovery of all components on the demand side in
                         Inference        2021-22 except for private consumption.
                                      •   When compared to pre-pandemic levels, recovery is most significant in exports followed
                                          by Government consumption and gross fixed capital formation. However, an equally
                                          strong recovery was seen in imports.

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