Page 25 - Union Budget, 2022
P. 25

Union Budget, 2022

                               Clarification of Taxation in Certain Circumstances (for both regimes)
                          •   On instances where exemption is denied (for non-filing of ROI, commercial receipts in excess of 20% of
                              annual receipts, failing to audit books of account), it is proposed to clarify that taxable income shall be

                              computed after allowing deduction for only revenue expenditure incurred in India, for its objects, subject
                              to the following conditions:
                              -   Expenditure is not from corpus or loan or borrowing.
                              -   Claim of depreciation is not in respect of an asset, of which capital expenditure was claimed as
                              -   Expenditure is not contribution or donation to any person.
                              -   No deduction in respect of any expenditure or allowance or set-off of any loss shall be allowed under
                                 any other provisions
                          •   It shall be noted that compliance of TDS deduction u/s 40(a)(ia) and limits of cash payment u/s 40A(3)
                              and (3A) shall still be applicable.
                          •   Newly proposed Sec 115BBI: When exemption is denied and income is brought to tax on account of
                              application of income for the benefit of specified person (as discussed earlier), or non-application of
                              income within stipulated period of accumulation, or deposit in unspecified modes, it is now proposed to
                              clarify that only so much of that income that is applied in violation shall be taxed at 30%. Tax shall be on
                              the aggregate of such deemed income and income accumulated or set apart in excess of 15% (when not
                              allowed under provisions of the Act).
                          •   Further, new Sec 271AAE is proposed to be inserted to provide for penalty on trusts/institutions, equal
                              to an amount of income applied for the benefit of specified person (as discussed earlier) on first instance
                              of violation and twice the amount of such income on subsequent violation.
                          •   It is proposed to be clarified that any voluntary contributions received by a wholly public religious or
                              wholly public religious and charitable trust/institution, whose property includes any temple, mosque,
                              gurdwara, church or other notified place, for the purpose of renovation or repair, may be treated as
                              “corpus” subject to the condition that the same is applied only for the stipulated purpose and is separately
                              identifiable, and is deposited in Sec 11(5) specified modes. On breach of any of the conditions, such sum
                              shall be deemed income in the year of violation.
                          •   It is additionally proposed to specifically clarify that 85% application would be considered only on “actual
                              payment” and not on earmarking of funds.

                          AY 2022-23 and subsequent AYs.

                          The operationality of the taxation regime of trusts have been explicated and clarified in order to avoid frivolous
                          claims of exemption.

                                                         Economy recovers past Pre-pandemic


                                    •   The Indian economy has been staging a sustained recovery since the second half of 2020-
                                        21. Despite the severity of the second wave, the economic impact was muted compared to
                                        the national lockdown of the previous year.
                                    •   Advance estimates suggest that GDP will record an expansion of 9.2% in 2021-22. This
                                        implies that the level of real economic output will surpass the pre-COVID level of 2019-20.

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