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Union Budget 2020
                               Receipts and Payments of the Central Government

                                            Receipts and Payments (Rs. In crores)

                                       2019-20(Revised   2020-21                         2019-20       2020-21
                    Receipts                             (Budget       Payments         (Revised      (Budget
                                         Estimates)     Estimates)                      Estimates)   Estimates)
            A. Tax Revenue                                         1. Pension                1,84,147   2,10,682
           Direct tax receipts                11,70,000   13,19,000  2. Defence              3,16,296   3,23,053
           Indirect tax receipts               9,93,423   11,04,020  3. Subsidy
           Gross Tax Revenue (i)              21,63,423   24,23,020            a. Fertiliser   79,998    71,309
           Less:                                                             b. Food         1,08,688   1,15,570

           NCCD transferred to the                                           c. Petroleum     38,569     40,915
           National Calamity Contingency         2,790       2,930
           Fund/National Disaster                                  4.Agriculture and
           Response Fund (ii)                                      Allied Activities         1,20,835   1,54,775
                                                                   5. Commerce and
           State's Share (iii)                 6,56,046   7,84,181   Industry                 28,608     27,227

                                                                   6. Development of           2,670      3,049
                                                                   North East
           Centre's Net Tax Revenue (i-ii-
           iii) (1)                           15,04,587   16,35,909  7. Education             94,854     99,312
                                                                   8.  Energy                 42,458     42,725
           B. Non-tax revenue                                      9. External Affairs        17,372     17,347
           Interest receipts                    11,027      11,042  10. Finance               24,880     41,829
           Dividends and Profits               1,99,893   1,55,395  11. Health                63,830     67,484
           External Grants                         974        812
           Other Non-Tax Revenue               1,31,525   2,15,465  12. Home Affairs         1,24,083   1,14,387
           Receipts of Union Territories         2,094       2,303  13. Interest             6,25,105   7,08,203
           Total Non-tax Revenue (2)           3,45,513   3,85,017  14. IT and Telecom        16,000     59,349
                                                                   15. Others                 76,782     84,256
           I. Total Revenue Receipts (1+2)    18,50,100   20,20,926   16. Planning and         5,811      6,094
                                                                    17. Rural                1,43,409   1,44,817
           Capital Receipts                                         18. Scientific            27,694     30,023
           A. Non-debt Receipts                                    19. Social Welfare         48,210     53,876
           Recoveries of loans and              16,604      14,967   20. Tax                 1,37307    1,52,962
           advances                                                Administration-
                                                                   (of which, Transfer
           Disinvestment Receipts               65,000    2,10,000   to GST                  1,21,200   1,35,368
                                                                   21. Transfer to
           Total Non-debt Receipts (A)          81,604    2,24,967                           1,55,447   2,00,447
                                                                   22. Transport             1,58,207   1,69,637
           B. Debt Receipts                    7,66,846   8,49,340   23. Union                15,026     52,864
           II. Total Capital Receipts (A+B)    8,48,450   10,74,306   24. Urban               42,267     50,040
           III. Draw-Down of Cash                    -     -53,003
           Total Receipts (I+II+III)          26,98,552   30,42,230  Total Expenditure     26,98,552   30,42,230

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