Page 67 - Union Budget_2019
P. 67

Union Budget 2019

 12.4 Receipts and payments of the Central Government year-wise for 4 years

                                                            Rs. in '000s of crores
 Receipts and Payments
 2018-19   2019-20                                      2018-19     2019-20
 Receipts    2016-17   2017-18   Payments   2016-17   2017-18
 (RE)   (BE)                                              (RE)        (RE)
  A. Tax Revenue                    1. Pension   131   146   167       174
 Direct tax receipts   850   1,002   1200   1335   2. Defence   252   277   285   305
 Indirect tax receipts    866   917   1048   1126   3. Subsidy
 Gross Tax Revenue (i)    1,716   1,919   2248   2461             a. Fertiliser   66   66   70   80

 Less:                              b. Food   110   100   171          184
 NCCD  transferred  to  the
 National Calamity Contingency
 6   4   2   2             c. Petroleum   28   24         25           37
 Fund/National  Disaster
 Response Fund (ii)
     4.Agriculture  and  Allied
 State's Share (iii)   608   673   761   809   50   53    87           152
                     5. Commerce and Industry   21   24   28           27
 Centre's Net Tax Revenue (i-  1,101   1,242   1484   1650
 ii-iii) (1)   6. Development of North East   2   3        3            3
                     7. Education   72         80         84           95
 B. Non-tax revenue                   8.  Energy   31   42   46        45
 Interest receipts   16   14   12   14   9. External Affairs   13   14   16   18

 Dividends and Profits   123   91   119   164   10. Finance   42   17   19   20

 Other Non-Tax Revenue   132   86   112   134   11. Health   39   53   56   65

 Receipts of Union Territories   2   2   2   2   12. Home Affairs    78   88   99   104
 Total Non-tax Revenue (2)   273   193   245   313   13. Interest   481   529   588   660

                     14. IT and Telecom    18   17        16           22

   62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72