Page 68 - Union Budget_2019
P. 68

Union Budget 2019
              I. Total Revenue Receipts      1,374      1,435      1730         1963
              (1+2)                                                                      15. Others                     64         66          75          77
                                                                                         16. Planning and Statistics     4         5           5            6
              Capital Receipts                                                           17. Rural Development         114        135         135          141
              A. Non-debt Receipts                                                       18. Scientific Departments     19         22          25          27
              Recoveries of loans and
                                              18         16          13          15      19. Social Welfare             32         37          46          51
              Miscellaneous Capital Receipts    48       100         80         105      20. Tax Administration-        22         72          67          117
                                                                                         of which, Transfer to GST
              Total Non-debt Receipts (A)     65         116         93         120                                                56          52          101
                                                                                         Compensation Fund
                                                                                         21. Transfer to States        133        108         141          155
              B. Debt Receipts                                                           22. Transport                 102        110         145          157
              Market loans                    350        410        423         423      23. Union Territories          13         14          14          15
              Short Term/T-Bill Borrowings     6         45          25          25      24. Urban Development          37         40          43          48
              External Loan (Net)             18          8          -5          -3
              Securities issued against Small
                                              67         103        125         130
              State Provident Fund (Net)      18         16          17          18
              Other Receipts (Net)            86          5          8           60
              Total Debt Receipts (B)        545         587        593         653
              II. Total Capital Receipts     610         703        686         773
              III. Draw-Down of Cash
              Balance (Deficit)               -9          4          41          51

              Total Receipts (I+II+III)      1,975      2,142      2457         2786     Total Expenditure             1,975     2,142       2457         2786

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