Page 31 - Union Budget, 2022
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Union Budget, 2022

                                              Faceless Assessment Schemes

                       •   The provisions for notifying faceless procedures are being introduced in a phased manner in Sections
                           92CA, 144C, 253 and 255 of the Act.
                       •   Sec 144B(9) is proposed to be omitted w.r.e.f. 01.04.2021. The said provision nullifies any assessment

                           proceedings in the event of procedure laid down not being followed. This lead to a scenario wherein,
                           various assessment proceedings have been adjudged as non est due to the prescribed procedures not being
                           followed. In view of this, Sec 144B(9) is proposed to be omitted. This brings into question the validity of
                           the proceeding if procedural aspects involving right to be heard by the assessee is not followed and is
                       •   Further, a revamped procedure is proposed to be provided u/s 144B, whereby, the key differences from
                           the existing process are tabulated below:
                        S.No.   Particulars    Existing Provision            Proposed Amendment
                        1       Hierarchy  of  The NFAC  was  the highest  The  NFAC shall operate  with the
                                Faceless       authority, under which the RFAC in  respective units. RFACs are not within
                                Assessment     the cadre controlling  region of  a  the structure of assessment now. The
                                               PCCIT,  operated with the  other  case selected for the assessment shall
                                               units  such  as  assessment  units,  be allocated by the NFAC directly to a
                                               verification units, review units and  specific assessment  unit through an
                                               technical units.              automated allocation system.
                        2       Service    of  The NFAC  can issue notice u/s  The NFAC can now issue notice u/s
                                notice         143(2) i.e. assessment  to ensure  143(2) and 142(1) i.e. intimating  to
                                               proper  computation of income  furnish ROI or calling for necessary
                                               pursuant to filing of ROI, pursuant  information or documents, pursuant to
                                               to which, assessee has  to  reply  which assessee has to respond within
                                               within 15 days.               the stipulated time in the said notice.
                        3       Preparation of  The  draft assessment order has to  Initially the  AU shall prepare an
                                initial order by  be prepared by the AU and to be  income or loss determination proposal
                                the            forwarded to the NFAC.        (hereinafter “determination proposal”)
                                Assessment                                   and the same shall be forwarded to the
                                Unit                                         NFAC either directly (when not
                                                                             prejudicial  to assessee) or after
                                                                             consideration of  reply to  show cause
                        4       NFAC’s action  The  NFAC shall decide on  The NFAC  may intimate the AU  to
                                on receipt  of  intimating assessee (if prejudicial) or  prepare the  draft order or assign the
                                initial order   finalise the order or forward to a  determination proposal to  a  review
                                               review unit.                  unit.
                        5       Manner     of -   A report of  concurrence with  -   The review report  shall be
                                dealing  with     the AU by the review unit shall   forwarded by the  NFAC as
                                review report of   be forwarded to the NFAC.    received from  the review  unit to
                                Review Unit    -   If variation is proposed, the   the same AU.
                                                  same shall be  forwarded to  a  -   The AU can either accept or reject
                                                  different AU.                 any or all of the modifications of
                                               -   The latter should  consider the   review unit  (after recording the
                                                  suggestions by the  review unit   reasons).
                                                  and forward the order  to the
                        6       On filing of  The DRP’s directions  shall  be  When  eligible assessee files an
                                objections by  forwarded to the concerned AU.   objection  with  the  DRP  and  the
                                eligible                                     NFAC, the same has to be intimated to
                                assessee with                                the concerned AU along with the copy
                                DRP                                          of objections.
                                Note: Eligible assessee means any assessee in whose variation (prejudicial to assessee) is passed
                                pursuant to order of TPO and any non-resident.
                        7       Referring  for               -               The concerned AU can refer a case to
                                special  audit                               the  NFAC intimating  the need for
                                by the AU                                    special  audit  considering  the
                                                                             complexity of the case. The procedures
                                                                             have been clarified in this regard.
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