Page 32 - Union Budget, 2022
P. 32

Union Budget, 2022

                        8       Constitution of              -               The   relevant  units  wherever
                                the units                                    mentioned  in  the  process  of
                                                                             assessment, shall refer to AOs having
                                                                             powers assigned by the CBDT.
                        9       Scope of  the                -               -   Technical  units  shall  now,
                                review unit                                  additionally handle  any technical
                                                                             matter under DTAA.

                                                                             - Further, functions such as checking
                                                                             whether relevant judicial  decisions
                                                                             have  been considered  and the
                                                                             arithmetical accuracy of the proposed
                                                                             variations is brought out from the
                                                                             scope of a review unit.
                        10      Authentication   Such authentication by NFAC shall  NFAC shall  authenticate electronic
                                of   electronic  be by way of digital signature.   records  by  way  of  electronic
                                records                                      communication.         Further,
                                                                             authentication of electronic records by
                                                                             the different  units shall be by  digital
                        11      Request    of  Prior approval of CCIT or DGIT of  Income-tax authority  of the relevant
                                personal       the RFAC is required.         unit shall allow it  without any prior
                                hearing during                               approval.
                                the proceeding

                       April 1 , 2022

                       •   India has been the first country to adopt and deploy faceless tax assessments. With an aim to reduce
                           bottlenecks in the proceedings, the procedure has been revamped and re-aligned in order to ensure friction

                           less completion of assessments.
                       •   The omission of Sec 144B(9) would raise concerns regarding the rights of the assessee in the event of
                           lapses in assessment proceedings. However, even though the aforesaid sub-section is proposed to be
                           omitted, the assessee’s rights would be protected under the principle of natural justice and the assessee
                           could still be able to enforce the procedure laid down for the assessment including personal hearing.

                                                             Gross Fixed Capital Formation


                                      •   Gross fixed capital formation (GFCF) is the gross addition to fixed assets, which indicates
                         Inference        the state of investments in the economy.
                                      •   Government’s policy thrust on quickening virtuous cycle of growth via capital expenditure
                                          and infrastructure spending has increased capital formation in the economy lifting the
                                          investment to GDP ratio to about 29.6% in 2021-22, the highest in seven years.

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