Page 36 - Union Budget, 2022
P. 36

Union Budget, 2022


                                            Receipts and Payments (Rs. in Crores)
                                   2020-21   2021-22   2022-23                      2020-21    2021-22   2022-23
           Receipts                                             Payments
                                   Actuals      RE         BE                       Actuals       RE        BE
           A. Tax Revenue                                       1. Interest         6,79,869   8,13,791   9,40,651
           Direct tax receipts     9,44,875  12,50,000   14,20,000  2. Subsidy -
           Indirect tax receipts   10,82,227  12,66,059   13,37,820  a. Fertiliser   1,27,922   1,40,122   1,05,222
           Gross Tax Revenue (I)   20,27,102  25,16,059   27,57,820  b. Food        5,41,330   2,86,469   2,06,831
           Less:                                                c. Petroleum          38,455     6,517    5,813
           NCCD transferred to       5,820     6,130     6,400  3. Defence          3,40,094   3,68,418   3,85,370
           the NCCF/NDRF (II)
           State’s share (III)    5,94,997   7,44,785   8,16,649  4.Transport       2,16,795   3,25,443   3,51,851
                                                                5. Rural Development   2,14,246   2,06,948   2,06,293
           Centre’s  Net    Tax
           Revenue                14,26,287   17,65,145   19,34,771  6. Transfer to States   2,11,475   2,85,394   3,34,339
                                                                7. Pension          2,08,473   1,98,962   2,07,132
           B. Non-Tax Revenue                                   8. Tax Administration   1,46,439   1,95,351   1,71,677
                                                                Of which transfer to GST
           Interest receipts        17,113    20,894    18,000   Compensation Fund   1,06,317   1,10,795   1,20,000
                                                                9. Agriculture and
           Dividends and Profits    96,878   1,47,353   1,13,948   Allied Activities   1,34,420   1,47,764   1,51,521
           Other Non-Tax Revenue    92,043   1,43,014   1,34,896  10. Home Affairs    96,652   1,15,550   1,27,020
           Receipts  of   Union
           Territories               1,598     2,531     2,807  11. Others            91,998   1,01,864   1,13,301
                                                                12. Education         84,219    88,002   1,04,278
                                                                13. Health            80,026    85,915   86,606
           Total Non-tax Revenue   2,07,632   3,13,791   2,69,651  14. Union Territories   47,605   57,533   58,757
                                                                15. Finance           37,038    51,904   21,354
           Total Revenue Receipts                               16.         Urban
           (A+B)                  16,33,920  20,78,936   22,04,422   Development      46,701    73,850   76,549
                                                                17. Social Welfare    37,563    44,952   51,780
           C. Capital receipts                                  18. Energy            32,728    48,684   49,220
           I. Non-debt Receipts                                 19. IT and Telecom    32,778    28,757   79,887
           Recoveries  of  loans    19,729    21,975    14,291   20. Commerce and     21,554    45,833   53,116
            and advances                                        Industry
           Miscellaneous  Capital   37,897    78,000    65,000   21.      Scientific  22,100    28,510   30,571
           Receipts                                             Departments
           Total Non-debt receipts   57,626   99,975    79,291  22. External Affairs   14,329   16,000   17,250
                                                                23.  Planning  and    3,172      4,808    5,720
                                                                24. Development of
           II. Debt receipts      18,25,479   14,16,902   16,60,444   North-East      1,854      2,658    2,800
           Total  Capital Receipts
           (C=I+II)               18,83,105   15,16,877   17,39,735

           D. Draw-Down of Cash
           Balance                 (7,188)   1,74,187      752
           Total        Receipts
           (A+B+C+D)             35,09,836  37,70,000   39,44,909  Total Expenditure   35,09,836  37,70,000  39,44,909

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